I have received my invoice - what does it mean?


When an invoice is issued, all customers receive three documents:

  • Invoice - an overview of the bill, showing the total charge for the month.
  • Report - a breakdown, listing all of the SIMs.
  • CSV File - a detailed breakdown of individual SIM usage across the entire account.

Here are some terms used within your invoice, and what they mean:

  • Service Charge - the monthly rental charge for each SIM, charged a month in advance.
  • Line Report - a breakdown of the SIMs on your estate.
  • CLI - the mobile number (MSISDN) which is being charged.
  • Calls - the number of voice, SMS or data calls a particular CLI has made.
  • Call Charges - the charges which are in relation to the voice, SMS or data calls. This often has charges if you have exceeded your monthly allowance.



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