How do I view Tariff Info?


Note: Tariff Codes are displayed for new SIMs which have been purchased since 19th December 2016. They are only available for direct customers.

The Tariff Code is a reference to the tariff that appears on your contract. It can also be used in filters. Tariff Codes are displayed as Tariff Info on the SIM list and can be one of the following;

  • Fixed Tariff. These are SIMs which have been assigned a dedicated data allowance, e.g. a 100MB.
  • Aggregated Tariff. This is where multiple SIMs share their combined data allowances.  E.g. 5 SIMs, each with an allowance of 100MB, will be able to share 500MB between them. If another 100MB SIM is added, they can share 600MB in total.
  • Bundle Tariff. One where SIMs share a fixed data allowance. E.g. if a 500MB Bundle has been created, and 5 SIMs have been assigned to the Bundle, each SIM will be able to use data from the 500MB. If another SIM is added, the total remains at 500MB.
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