Release Notes 5.6



  • Portal notifications (trial feature). This release is trialling a powerful new way to be notified about events in the portal. Notifications currently supported are SIM cap and alert events but more is intended to be added in the future.  You can view your notifications via the bell icon in the navigation bar and the icon animates when a new notification arrives. The icon also shows the number of unread notifications.  In your user profile you can choose, for each account, whether you wish to receive notifications and/or emails about individual SIMs, Tariff Groups, or both.
  • General UX and design. Based on testing and best design practice, we have refreshed the platforms layout, look and feel.
  • Accounts added to Global Search. Global search now searches account names in addition to everything it searched before.
  • External email address verification. When adding an external notification email address to a SIM, a verification email is sent for added security.
  • Convert external email to user. Admins wishing to create a user account whose email is currently being used as an external email to monitor SIMs, can do so easily whilst retaining the monitoring of those SIMs.
  • Locale-dependent date format. Dates are now displayed according to the regional settings of the browser.
  • Total usage added to Daily Usage report. This report now shows the data sent to the device, from the device, and total usage for the selected time period.
  • Improved user pages. The User page in Managed Accounts and the User Profile page have been re-organised to be easier to use.


  • Improved user id validation. It is now not possible to set your user id to be an email address other than your own.
  • Improved email security. When changing a user's email address, a notification email is now also sent to the old address for extra security.
  • More clarity when no cap and no alert is in place. Explanatory text has been added to remind the user that setting a cap or alert level to zero, disables the cap or alert.
  • Consistent threshold presentation. The cap and alert confirmation pop-up now shows the same precision as the threshold field in the SIM Details.


  • Incorrect location shown for network in the Sessions report


  • Microsoft introduced the Microsoft Edge browser in 2015 as a replacement for Internet Explorer and they no longer develop new features for Internet Explorer. For the time being, Internet Explorer will continue to be supported, but support for it will eventually be removed. Many of our customers have already switched away from Internet Explorer and, if you are still using Internet Explorer, it is strongly recommended that you switch to Microsoft Edge or an alternative browser. You may start to see a warning message displayed if you continue to use Internet Explorer. 

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