How do I view an Estate History Report?


An Estate History Report displays data usage across all SIMs which are under management.  This can be particularly useful if you would like to understand how much data is being utilised on a per-day basis.

  • Click on Reports on the main navigation bar.
  • Select the required date range. The range can cover up to one month.
  • You can also filter the report by sub-account and MNO.
  • Click 'Get Report'
  • The data usage is presented the following graphs:
    • Usage. The daily total usage to and from the device. This includes a count of the number of SIMs contributing to the usage. 
    • New Connections. Shows all new sessions started in each day. Sessions running from previous days are not included.
    • Duration. Average session duration of active sessions in each day.
  • To save an export click Export and select the export format you require (CSV or XLSX). When the export is ready a pop-up message is displayed. Click on it to download the export. There is also the option to perform an expanded export with daily usage per SIM. The export shows usage in bytes for any of the filtered SIMs that have usage in the chosen period.

Note: The data usage shown is indicative and may differ from that shown in your monthly bill.

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