How do I export the SIM List?


Users are able to export list of SIMs in the SIM List in CSV or XLSX formats. Here’s how to export your SIM list:

  • On the SIM list, click mceclip0.png.


  • Select the data units to export (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes).


  • If you wish to include all available columns, click the 'Also export hidden columns' tick box.


  • Select the desired export format.


  • When your export is ready, the following is displayed.


  • Clicking on this will either prompt you for a location to save the file, or will save it in your default download folder, depending on your browser settings.

Note: The columns exported are the same as those displayed on the SIM list, and in the same order. To change the choice of columns or their order see How do I customise the SIM list?.

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