How to Submit a SIM Upgrade Request


In order to submit a request to a Tariff Upgrade request please take the following steps:

  1. Browse to and sign in
  2. Click 'Submit a request' in the top-right hand corner
  3. Select 'Order Fulfilment' from the drop-down list
  4. Select 'Tariff Upgrade' from the 'Order Type' drop-down list
  5. Enter a ticket subject. Enter the Mobile Network Operator of the SIMs you are upgrading
  6. In the text box below, enter the details of the SIMs that you want to upgrade. This can usually be found printed on the SIM card. If you prefer to upload an attachment with the details that can be done at the bottom of the page
  7. Provide us the product code you require. This determines included allowances, minimum term etc. The product code can be found on your Master Services or Ammendment Agreement
  8. Click the tick box to confirm you have provided all required information, provide any additional notes should you wish (not required) and click 'Submit'.


If you have any questions please contact Arkessa Customer Service on +44 / 0 1279 799270 or

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