If you find your device does not have a data connection, there are several investigative steps you can take that can lead to a speedy resolution.
- Run the Emport Diagnostics tool. This will: check the SIM status allows for data connectivity, try to ping the device, allow you to refresh the SIM (if possible).
- Some SIM status are designed to block data connection attempts, these are: Suspended, Blocked, Inactive and Terminated. A data connection via the Arkessa APN will only be accepted if the SIM status is: Active or Alerted.
- Blocked – This means the SIM’s data usage (see ‘Usage’ column on dashboard or SIM details page) for this calendar month has exceeded its data cap level. To resolve this, you can wait for the usage to automatically reset at the end of the calendar month or you can increase the data cap level above the SIM’s data usage level. Please find the link to the article here. Both will result in the SIM moving to a Live state and new authentication attempts being accepted
- Suspended – The SIM is in a Suspended state due to user action or request. You can unsuspend the SIM in Emport. Please find the link to the article here.
- Inactive – The SIM is currently not activated. Activate the SIM and it will start working. Please find the link to the article here.
- Terminated – The SIM was previously requested for disconnection and the 30 days’ notice has been served. The SIM is now terminated and cannot be used.
- Check the APN settings on the device are correct – If you are unsure what the correct APN settings are for a SIM you can find it: on the Order Form we provided when the SIMs were activated, in the closing email of the ticket in which the SIMs were activated, or it can be figured out based on the IP address of the SIM.
10.0.X.X – gprs.vianet.co.uk
10.2.X.X – vianet.co.uk
10.3.X.X – vianet.co.uk
10.4.X.X – arkessa.net
10.5.X.X – vianet.uk
10.6.X.X – arkessa.net
10.7.X.X – vianet.uk
10.10.X.X – arkessa.com
10.11.X.X – arkessa.net
10.12.X.X – arkessa.com
10.13.X.X – arkessa.com
10.14.X.X – arkessa.com
10.15.X.X – arkessa.com
10.19.X.X – arkessa.com
10.21.X.X – arkessa.net
10.22.X.X – arkessa.com
10.26.X.X – arkessa.com
10.30.X.X – arkessa.net
10.32.X.X – arkessa.com
10.33.X.X – arkessa.com
10.35.X.X – arkessa.com
10.36.X.X – arkessa.com
10.39.X.X – arkessa.com
10.50.X.X – arkessahd.com
10.52.X.X – arkessahd.com
10.54.X.X – arkessahd.com
10.55.X.X – arkessa4g.com
10.59.X.X – arkessahd.com
10.61.X.X – arkessahd.com
10.70.X.X – arkessa.com
10.71.X.X – arkessa.com
10.74.X.X – arkessa.com
10.80.X.X – gec.network
10.146.X.X – arkessa.com
10.203.X.X – arkessa.net
10.204.X.X – arkessa.net
10.205.X.X – arkessa.net
10.206.X.X – arkessa.net
10.222.X.X – vianet.co.uk
10.250.X.X – gprs.vianet.co.uk
10.255.X.X – arkessahd.com
TIP: If you regularly find yourself asking what the APN of a SIM is, consider adding an “APN” custom field in Emport and recording it there. You and other Emport users will be able to access this information easily. For help on doing this click here or contact Arkessa Customer Services.
- Reboot or power cycle the device.
- Check the local network coverage and mast status. Many networks provide an online coverage checker. They can be found by Googling “XXXXX network coverage checker”. Some commons are listed here.
- If using the SIM internationally, ensure data roaming is enabled on the device. Please see your device manual or consult your device manufacturer on how to do this.
- Other useful things to do are: try the SIM in alternative device, try an alternative SIM in the same device, try the device in a different location, manually roam the device onto the network, manually roam the device onto a different network (if possible), attach an antenna to the device
If you are still experiencing data connectivity issues after completing some or all steps, please raise a ticket with Arkessa Customer Services.
I have an LTE-M sim installed in a tracker that works either LTE-M or NB-IoT, the sim ICCID number is 8944110068669055506. The tracker is constantly flashing red as its trying to get a connection. After speaking to the Tracker manufacturers they advise because of my current location (post code bb4 6hl) I don't have LTE-M coverage this is the reason why the tracker will not connect.
I do have a previous NB-IoT sim from yourselves I purchased a long time ago. Sim ICCID number 89882390000189173480. This works when installed in the same tracker. It is currently in a tracking device.
Please advise on what I need to do to solve this issue?
Kind Regards,