- Browse to https://support.arkessa.com/ and sign in
- Click 'Submit a request' in the top-right hand corner
- Select 'Order Fulfilment' from the drop-down list
- Order type will be Change of Ownership
- Add the Current Owner Company Name
- Also include the Current Owner Email Address
- Select the relevant Mobile Network
- There is a box to provide the ICCIDs, MSISDNs or IP addresses. If you have more than 5 numbers, there is an option to include a spreadsheet further down the form
- Please provide the product code, this can be found on your contract
- Select the profile settings you require.
- Select if you require data alerts or caps. If required, please then enter the data value, unit value and any email addresses you wish to receive the notifications
- If all fields are entered tick the box ‘Have you provided us all the information required?’
- Click the tick box to confirm you have provided all required information
- There is then an option to add a file
- Once complete click on Submit
Have more questions? Submit a request