How to Submit a Change of Ownership

  1. Browse to and sign in

  2. Click 'Submit a request' in the top-right hand corner

  3. Select 'Order Fulfilment' from the drop-down list 


  4. Order type will be Change of Ownership


  5. Add the Current Owner Company Name

  6. Also include the Current Owner Email Address

  7. Select the relevant Mobile Network

  8. There is a box to provide the ICCIDs, MSISDNs or IP addresses. If you have more than 5 numbers, there is an option to include a spreadsheet further down the form

  9. Please provide the product code, this can be found on your contract


  10. Select the profile settings you require. 

  11. Select if you require data alerts or caps. If required, please then enter the data value, unit value and any email addresses you wish to receive the notifications

  12. If all fields are entered tick the box ‘Have you provided us all the information required?’

  13. Click the tick box to confirm you have provided all required information

  14. There is then an option to add a file

  15. Once complete click on Submit
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